
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A let down To Dr.Ambedkars vision

I have been a great admirer of Dr.Babsaheb Ambedkar.rising up from hostile ,adverse enviornment he went and re wrote history.he paved way for upliftment of the downtrodden and the neglected.He saw to it that those who are neglected,sidelined by the upper caste get due benefits as a any ordinary Indian HUMAN BEINGwould get.
But the question is have those for whom these benefits have being confered have lived up to his expectations or have they let him down.
The whole object of reservation was to see that few who take initial benefit would later on give the helping hand to others similarly placed.But as i see it they hae let him and his ideologies down.each one of them takes benefit(nothing wrong in it its their right) but then does not proceed further ,he/she stops there.The later major responsibility is totally forgotten.each one of them conveniently forgets that they are bestowed the benefits for a purpose.
How will his ideologies and foresight be fulfilled if people are so narrow minded.No wonder why majority of them still suffer the social stigma and are pupets in hands of politicians.
If we really want to live up to the expecations of great man all those who take benefit have to rise above themselves and leave the narrow mindedness .
Lets not let him down any further.lets pay tribute to him by acheiving what he wanted to

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